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Concrete Rose: Secret place in Abba

Concrete Rose: Secret place in Abba

SKU: Riseabove01

Concrete Rose: Secret place in Abba reveals the hidden issues and pain of the Author. Each page uncovers the layers of regret, people-pleasing, identity issues, and sin. The stages of spiritual development are revealed, to show the necessary time needed to cultivate an unique rose. Despite the obstacles and adversities faced in the writers life. Latoya used her surroundings to cultivate the seed. Readers will learn how God rook his time to create a masterpiece. She unveils the intricate pieces her life that appeared worthless. Yet in his infinite wisdom and splendor, God picked up the shattered pieces of her heart and placed it on the potters wheel. Through the process of consecration, seperation, and sanctification; she was transformed.

Readers will see the intricate pieces that shaped and formed the life of Latoya Washington. She discusses her journey of joyful surrender. Concrete Rose: Secret place in Abba reveals how she humbly laid on the examination table and allowed Abba to cut away the fruitless branches in her life. Each cut was painful but in the end she produced an abubndance of good fruit!

This book will have readers bent over in laughter and crying tears of joy. This book opens the door to various emotions for readers to travel back into a time of loss, pain, and regret.The author unveils life-changing lessons on the importance of remaining connected to the true vine! Jesus Christ was the source to provide strength to rise from the ashes!

  • Book Cover Design:

    The Brandroom by CJ Benjamin

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