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Web of Deception

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Web of Deception course is designed to teach and equip believers on the subtle traps of deceptions. Our foundational focus of this course will stem from 1st John 2:18-28 and 2nd Timothy 3. Old and New Testament will be studied throughout the course, to help equip believers to hold fast to God's Holy word. Many have drifted away in their love for the Father because of subtle deceptions of the enemy. This course will focus on the subtle traps that lead believers astray. Course Objectives -Participants will learn to identify subtle traps of deception -Participants will learn to acknowledge self-destructive decision patterns that opened the door to deception -Participants will study on the Holy Spirit and his role in equipping believers to discern Course Materials Include -Web of Deception Workbook

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app




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