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Interpersonal Communication Skills Course

Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


No more Texts, Let's Talk is an online course designed to equip our community to communicate effectively. This course provides essential tools to help build and improve interpersonal communication skills. With the influx of social media and technological gadgets, it is still difficult for us to communicate. We utilize verbal and non-verbal communication to express our wants, needs and desires but there is a noticeable breakdown in communication with our family, friends, and peers. The reasons behind this struggle have been a parent or guardians concern for years. "No more Text's, Let's Talk will help improve our interpersonal communications skills. Allowing our youth and their families to effectively communicate their wants, needs, concerns to each other. This course is crucial and necessary to help our community communicate moments of anger, frustration, pain, etc., when dealing the issues of life. I hope that we can collaborate and partner to ensure this workshop is a success. This online course will help improve your communication skills and help maintain lasting and meaningful relationships. Course Objectives: -The course will teach and equip individuals to effectively communicate their wants, needs, and concerns -Provide essential tools to improve interpersonal communication skills -Identify barriers and provide solutions to address potential barriers -Apply solutions to improve Interpersonal Communication skills

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app




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